World Historical Events Since 5000 B.C. – Part V

Historical Events Since 1895 AD to now (Part 5)

1895 X-rays discovered by Rontgen.
1896 The  “Jameson Raid” on the Transvaal leads to friction between Britons and Boers in South Africa.
1897 Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Workmen’s Compensation Act passed.
1898 Kitchener’s victory at Omdurman saves the Sudan.  The Curies in France discover radium, a substance giving off energy.
1899 Beginning of the South African War between the British colonies and Boer provinces.
1900 Boxer rebellion in China, an attempt to expel foreigners.
1901 Death  of Queen  Victoria; accession of Edward  VII. Commonwealth of  Australia  inaugurated at  Sydney. Marconi sends messages by wireless from England to Canada.
1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance.  End  of South  African War.  Education Act gives control of education to local authorities.
1903 The Wrights in America fly the first power-driven aeroplane.
1904 Entente Cordiale between  Britain  and  France.
1907 New Zealand becomes a Dominion.
1908 Old Age Pensions Act passed by Parliament.
1909 Labour  Exchanges  and  Trade Boards established.
1910 Death of Edward  VII; he is succeeded by George V. Union of South  Africa established.
1911 National Insurance Act passed. Parliament Act reduces  power of House of Lords  and fixes five-year Parliaments.  Revolution  in China against bad government.
1912 Women’s suffrage agitation  to extend the vote to women.
1914 Outbreak of First World War;  Britain declares war on Germany after German invasion of Belgium.  Home Rule for Ireland  suspended till the war over.   Opening  of the Panama Canal.
1916 Sinn Fein rising in Ireland suppressed.  Lloyd George Prime Minister of Coalition Government. Germans  drop bombs on London and other towns. Unrestricted submarine warfare against shipping  by Germany.
1917 United  States enters  the war.  Russian Revolution; a republic  proclaimed.
1918 Women over thirty given the right  to vote.   Revolution  in Germany; abdication of the  Kaiser.   Armistice signed on  11 November.
1919 Peace Treaty signed at Versailles.  Viscountess Astor, first woman M.P. to sit in Parliament.
1920 League of Nations  established.   Mass unemployment in Britain.
1922 Britain  recognizes  the independence of Egypt. Irish  Free State established  in southern Ireland. Fascist March  on Rome. Mussolini in power.
1923 Large  measure  of  self-government granted  to  Southern Rhodesia.
1924 First  Labour  Ministry; Ramsay MacDonald Prime  Minister. Wembley British  Empire  Exhibition.
1925 Locarno  Conference.
1926 General  Strike in support of the miners  fails. Empire Conference declares allegiance to the Crown.
1927 Stalin supreme  in Russia.
1928 Women’s Suffrage Act extends the right to vote to women on the same terms as men.  Kellogg Peace Pact to renounce war.
1929 Beginning of world depression in trade.
1930 Gandhi opens civil disobedience campaign in India against British rule.
1931 Ramsay MacDonald  forms National  Government. Statute of Westminster defines self-governing Dominions as equal in status to Britain.  Japan occupies Manchuria.
1932 F. D. Roosevelt elected President of U.S.A.  ”New Deal” begins.
1933 Hitler gains power in Germany.
1935 Mussolini invades Abyssinia.
1936 Death of George V; he is succeeded  by Edward VIII.  Abdication of Edward  VIII; he is succeeded  by his brother,  George  VI. Civil war in Spain  begins.
1937 Japan attacks China.
1938 Hitler annexes Austria.  Munich Agreement gives part of Czechoslovakia to Germany.
1939 Hitler annexes Czechoslovakia.  Outbreak  of Second  World  War  follows the German  invasion of Poland.
1940 Fall of France  to German  invaders; British evacuation  from Dunkirk.  Air “Battle  of Britain.”   Winston Churchill succeeds Neville Chamberlain as Prime Minister.
1941 German invasion of Russia.  Japanese attack United  States fleet in Pearl Harbour.
1942 Japanese overrun Malaya and Burma.
1943 German  and  Italian  armies driven from  North  Africa.   Allied landings in Sicily and Italy; Italy surrenders.
1944 Allied landings in Normandy, and invasion of Germany.
1945 German  unconditional surrender.  Japanese driven from Burma.  Atom bombs dropped  on Hiroshima  and Nagasaki; Japan surrenders.  General Election  and return  of Labour Government in Great Britain.  United  Nations  Organization  established.
1946 Italy becomes a republic.  First meeting of the United  Nations  General  Assembly, in New York.
1947 India, Pakistan and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) become self-governing; Burma  leaves  the British Commonwealth.  New state of Indonesia  formed from the Dutch  East Indies.
1948 Britain  gives up  the  Palestine  mandate; war breaks out between the new state of Israel and the surrounding Arab countries.
1949 North Atlantic treaty signed in Washington.  Eire leaves the British Commonwealth and becomes a republic.
1950 Outbreak of war in Korea between North Koreans supported by the Chinese and the South  Koreans  supported by the United Nations.
1951 Festival of Britain.
1952 Death of George VI; his daughter, Elizabeth  II, becomes Queen.
1953 Everest climbed by a British expedition.  Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland  inaugurated.
1955 The Sudan  leaves the British Commonwealth.
1956 War  breaks out  between  Israel  and  Egypt;  Britain  and  France  enter  the Suez Canal zone, but withdraw.
1957 Gold Coast achieves Dominion  status  and  becomes Ghana; Federation of Malaya (now Malaysia) becomes self-governing  within the British  Commonwealth.  Russia launches the first earth  satellite.
1958 Britain invents Zeta, a device for creating temperature as hot as the sun.

 back to part I ….

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