World Historical Events Since 5000 B.C. – Part IV

Historical Events Since 1789 AD to 1893 AD (Part 4)

1789 Beginning of the French Revolution by the people of Paris, who seize the Bastille, a prison for political offenders.
1792 France proclaimed a republic.
1793 France at war with Britain, Holland, Spain and Prussia.
1794 French  Navy  defeated  by  Britain  off Ushant  in  the  “Glorious First of June” victory.
1795 Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte in the new French  Republic.  Trial of Warren  Hastings ends in his acquittal.
1796 Dr. Jenner introduces  vaccination.
1797 Nelson defeats the French and Spanish fleets off Cape St. Vincent. Dutch fleet defeated off Camperdown.
1798 Battle of the Nile; Nelson destroys the French  fleet in Aboukir Bay.
1799 Napoleon  sets  up  a  new  French   Government, becoming  First  Consul. Income Tax introduced into Britain.
1800 Sweden, Denmark, Prussia and Russia form Armed Neutrality Alliance. Malta captured  by British..
1801 Nelson defeats Danish  fleet off Copenhagen; power of Armed  Neutrality countries destroyed. Union of Britain and Ireland; Irish representatives sit in United Parliament at Westminster.
1801 First census taken in Great Britain.
1802 Treaty  of Amiens closes war between Britain and France. The  first practical steamship  sails down the Clyde.
1803 Napoleon’s  power  spreads  in  Europe; war  between  Britain  and  France resumed.  Wellesley’s victories over Mahrattas at Assaye and Argaum in India.
1804 Napoleon becomes Emperor  of France. Preparations to invade Britain.
1805 Battle of Trafalgar; Nelson  destroys  the  combined  fleets of  France  and Spain. Death of Nelson in battle.
1806 Napoleon’s Berlin Decrees forbid European countries to trade with Britain. Great  Britain permanently  occupies the Cape of Good Hope.
1807 British Orders in Council forbid neutral  countries to trade with France. Abolition of slave trade in British  possessions.
1808 Opening  of the Peninsular  War; British  troops  land  in Portugal  to assist Portuguese and Spanish in revolt against Napoleon.
1809 Sir  John  Moore’s  victory  and  death  at  the  Battle of  Corunna  in  Spain. Wellesley wins Talavera.
1810 Spain’s  South American colonies declare themselves independent.
1812 Wellington wins the Battle of Salamanca. Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow. United  States opposes Britain’s search of its ships and declares war.
1813 Wellington wins the battle of Vittoria against the French in Spain.
1814 Treaty  of Ghent ends war between Britain and America.  Allied armies march on France and enter Paris; Napoleon abdicates and is sent to the island of Elba.
1815 Napoleon  returns  from  Elba  and  collects an  army,  but  is  defeated at Waterloo and exiled to the island of St. Helena; the Congress of Vienna meets to settle the peace of Europe.  Corn Laws, which  kept cheap corn from entering the country, cause riots.
1819 Peterloo “massacre.”
1820 George IV succeeds to the throne on death of his father, George III.
1823 President Monroe enunciates U.S. Monroe Doctrine.
1824 Anti-Combination  Laws, forbidding  trade unions, repealed.
1825 Opening in Britain of the first railway in the world.
1827 Defeat of the Turkish  fleet off Navarino by Britain helps the Greeks to become independent of Turkey.
1828 Repeal of the Test Act establishes full rights for Nonconformists.
1829 Catholic Emancipation Act allows Catholics to stand for Parliament.
1830 William IV succeeds to the throne.
1832 Reform Act extends the right to vote to the middle classes.
1833 Slavery abolished in the British Empire.   Factory Act forbids employment of children under nine.
1834 Poor Law Amendment Act.
1836 In South Africa the Boers  (Dutch farmers) begin their trek into Transvaal and Orange Free State.
1837 Death of William IV; he is succeeded by Victoria, daughter of the fourth son of George III.
1838 Richard Cobden and John Bright found the Anti-Corn Law League. Chartists’ “People’s  Charter” demands  payment of M.P.s  and the vote by ballot for all men.
1839 Belgian neutrality guaranteed by Great Powers.  Parliament rejects the Chartists’ Petition.  Aden, at the southern tip of Arabia, becomes a British possession.
1840 Annexation of New Zealand, to forestall similar action by the French.   Adoption of the Penny Post.   Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
1841 Sir Robert Peel, Free Trade advocate, becomes Prime Minister; he passes Free-trade budgets and founds a police force. Hong-Kong ceded to Britain.
1842 Chartists’ Second Petition rejected by Parliament. Employment of women and boys in mines forbidden. Reintroduction of Income Tax.
1843 Annexation of Natal in South Africa.
1844 Peel’s Bank Charter Act defines issue of notes.  Rochdale pioneers start Co-operative Movement, whereby customers share in profits.
1846 Widespread famine in Ireland;  repeal of the  Corn Laws. Kaffir War in Cape Colony.
1848 Failure of the Chartists’ Third  Petition.  Rebellion in Ireland in favour of Home Rule. Year of Revolutions in Europe.
1851 The Great Exhibition in Hyde Park.
1854 Britain supports France in resisting Russian expansion; war in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale, founder of modem nursing, goes to Scutari to nurse the Crimean wounded.
1856 Treaty of Paris ends Crimean War.
1857 Outbreak of the Indian Mutiny, a rebellion by Indian soldiers.
1858 East India Company abolished; Lord Canning appointed First Viceroy of India, when the British Government assumes responsibility for the government of India.
1859 Darwin’s Origin of Species published, in  which he propounds that all plants and animals have evolved from simpler forms.
1860 Maori War in New Zealand between Maoris and British settlers.
1861 Civil War breaks out in the United States over the question of slavery.
1862 Bismarck Minister-President of Prussia.
1864 Pasteur in France discovers disease caused by germs invading the body.
1867 Second Reform Act extends the franchise, the right to vote, to working class in towns. Canada becomes self-governing.
1868 Gladstone Prime Minister.
1869 Completion of the Suez Canal.
1870 Education Act establishes elementary education.
1871 Prussia defeats France and becomes head of the new German Empire.
1872 Ballot Act introduces secret voting.
1874 Disraeli’s Second Ministry begins.
1875 Britain buys the ruler of Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal.
1876 Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India. Graham Bell in America invents the telephone.
1877 Transvaal annexed by Britain.
1878 War with Afghanistan to prevent its allying itself with Russia.  Anxiety as to the future of the Balkans leads to the Congress of Berlin; Disraeli concludes secret treaties with Russia and Turkey. Cyprus gained by Great Britain.
1879 Zulu War in South Africa.  Bismarck’s Dual Alliance with Austria.
1882 Britain occupies Egypt.
1884 Third Reform Bill gives the vote to all men.
1885 Murder of General Gordon at Khartoum in the Sudan.  Indian National Congress founded.
1886 Annexation of Upper Burma.  Gladstone’s First Home Rule Bill defeated.  Daimler in Germany invents the internal-combustion engine.
1887 First Colonial Conference opened in London.
1888 Local Government Act establishes County Councils.
1890 Cecil Rhodes Prime Minister of Cape Colony.
1893 Gladstone’s Second Home Rule Bill defeated.

continue on part V… 


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