Grading System for Malaysia Schools
Check UPSR, PT3, SPM Results
“Is this part going to come out in the test?” Quite often you hear this from many students. When teacher hear this, they realize that students often consider scoring high marks and grades a higher priority than learning. It seems, for rather many students, securing a higher grade takes precedence over knowledge. Acquiring knowledge and learning career-related skills and other aspects needed to compete in today’s world does not become a priority. This fact, should make us reexamine the suitability of current grading system.
Malaysia Primary School (Standard 1 – 6) Grading System
Gred Pemarkahan Sekolah Rendah (Darjah 1 – 6 ) Malaysia
Marks |
Grade |
Status |
80 – 100 |
A |
Pass (Cemerlang) |
65 – 79 |
B |
Pass (Baik) |
50 – 64 |
C |
Pass (Memuaskan) |
40 – 49 |
D |
Pass (Mencapai Tahap Minimum) |
0 – 39 |
E |
Fail |
TH |
TH (Absent) |
Fail |
Contoh Markah dan Gred Markah untuk Sekolah Rendah
Malaysia Lower Secondary School (Form 1 – 3) Grading System
Gred Pemarkahan Sekolah Menengah Rendah (Tingkatan 1 – 3 ) Malaysia
Marks |
Grade |
Status |
85 – 100 |
A |
Pass |
70 – 84 |
B |
Pass |
60 – 69 |
C |
Pass |
50 – 59 |
D |
Pass |
40 – 49 |
E |
Pass |
0 – 39 |
F |
Fail |
TH |
TH (Absent) |
Fail |
Contoh Markah dan Gred Markah untuk Menengah Bawah.
PMR (until 2013) – Not For PT3
Malaysia Lower Secondary School (Form 1 – 3) Grading System
Gred Pemarkahan Sekolah Menengah Rendah (Tingkatan 1 – 3 ) Malaysia
Marks |
Grade |
Status |
80 – 100 |
A |
Pass |
65 – 79 |
B |
Pass |
50 – 64 |
C |
Pass |
40 – 49 |
D |
Pass |
1 – 39 |
E |
Fail |
0 |
TH (Absent) |
Fail |
Malaysia Upper Secondary School (Form 4 – 5) Grading System
Gred Pemarkahan Sekolah Menengah Atas (Tingkatan 4 – 5 ) Malaysia
Marks |
Grade | GPK/Unit | PNG Value | Status |
90 – 100 | A+ | 1 | 4.00 | Cemerlang Tertinggi |
80 – 89 | A | 1 | 3.75 | Cemerlang Tinggi |
70 – 79 | A – | 2 | 3.50 | Cemerlang |
65 – 69 | B+ | 3 | 3.25 | Kepujian Tertinggi |
60 – 64 | B | 4 | 3.00 | Kepujian Tinggi |
55 – 59 | C+ | 5 | 2.75 | Kepujian Atas |
50 – 54 | C | 6 | 2.50 | Kepujian |
45 – 49 | D | 7 | 2.25 | Lulus Atas |
40 – 44 | E | 8 | 2.00 | Lulus (Pass) |
0 – 39 | G | 9 | 1.75 | Gagal (Fail) |
TH | TH (Absent) | – | – | Gagal |
Contoh Markah dan Gred Markah untuk Menengah Atas.
STPM (Form 6)
Malaysia Pre University New Format Grading System
Gred Pemarkahan STPM Baharu
Julat Markah di Sekolah Harian** |
Gred Kertas (Berdasarkan setiap penggal) |
Gred Mata Pelajaran
(Kumulatif) |
Nilai Gred Mata Pelajaran,NGMP (CGPA) |
Status |
80 – 100 |
A |
A | 4.00 |
Lulus Penuh |
70 – 79 |
A- |
A- | 3.67 | Lulus Penuh |
60 – 69 |
B+ |
B+ | 3.33 |
Lulus Penuh |
55 – 59 |
B |
B | 3.00 | Lulus Penuh |
50 – 54 |
B- |
B- | 2.67 |
Lulus Penuh |
45 – 49 |
C+ |
C+ | 2.33 | Lulus Penuh |
40 – 44 |
C |
C | 2.00 |
Lulus Penuh |
35 – 39 |
C- |
C- | 1.67 |
Lulus Sebahagian |
30 – 34 |
D+ |
D+ | 1.33 |
Lulus Sebahagian |
25 – 29 |
D |
D | 1.00 | Lulus Sebahagian |
0 – 24 |
F |
F | 0.00 |
Gagal |
** mununjukkan julat markah di sekolah harian kerajaan, julat markah digunapakai semasa STPM sebenar adalah tertakluk kepada prestasi semasa.
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Semakan Jadual Gaji SSM Baharu Skim A – W
Semakan Tarikh Gaji Kakitangan Awam
Semakan Senarai Cuti-cuti setiap Negeri dan Cuti Umum
Semakan Keputusan Peperiksaan di Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah
Will we go to form 4 if we fail Bm and Sej
No For PMR, Yes For PT3
if my spm marks is 40 will i get credit
thank you