SPM 2015 (November) Past Years Papers From Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia

Mathematics 1449/1, 2
Additional Mathematics 3472/1, 2
Science 1511/1, 2
Sejarah 1249/1, 2, 3
Bahasa Melayu 1103/1, 2
Bahasa Inggeris 1119/1, 2
Bahasa Cina 6351 Kertas 1, 2
Bahasa Tamil 6354 Kertas 1, 2
Kesusasteraan Tamil 9217
Perdagangan 3755/1, 2
Prinsip Perakaunan 3756/1, 2
Ekonomi Asas 3757/1, 2
Physics 4531/1
Physics 4531/2, 3
Chemistry 4541/1, 2 & 3
Biology 4551/1
Biology 4551/2, 3
Pendidikan Seni Visual, Seni Halus 2611/2isuagggl 2611/2
Tasawuur Islam 5226/1, 2
Pendidikan Islam 1223/1, 1223/2
Answers for SPM 2015 Objective Papers (paper 1).
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Hi Sir. When you will be uploading SPM 2016 Past year papers ?
Can I have P. Moral?
P. Moral is a CLOSED paper, not allowed to be disclosed under Akta Rahsia.
i need the marking scheme
sir could you pls provide the answers? tq
sir…could you please upload the marking scheme …or an example of students answer original spm papers…
Akta Rahsia Negara does not allow this.
sir,please upload the biology spm 2015 papers . Thank you!