SPM 2014 (November) Past Years Papers From Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia
Bahasa Melayu Paper 1, 2
Bahasa Inggeris Paper 1, 2
Bahasa Cina Paper 1, 2
Bahasa Tamil Paper 1, 2
Kesusasteraan Cina
Kesusasteraan Tamil
Mathematics 1449/1
Mathematics 1449/2
Additional Mathematics 3472/1
Additional Mathematics 3472/2
Perdagangan 3755/1, 3755/2
Prinsip Perakaunan 3756/1, 3756/2
Ekonomi Asas 3757/1, 3757/2
Physics 4531/1
Physics 4531/2
Physics 4531/3
Chemistry 4541/1
Chemistry 4541/2, 4541/3
Biology 4551/1
Biology 4551/2, 4541/3
Pendidikan Seni Visual 2611/2
Sejarah Kertas 1, 2
Sejarah Kertas 3 (Oct)
Sejarah Kertas 3 (Nov)
Sejarah Kertas 3 (Contoh Jawapan)
Tasawuur Islam 5226/1, 5226/2
Pendidikan Islam 1223/1, 1223/2
Rekaan dan Jahitan Pakaian 7201/1
Katering dan Penyajian 7202/1
Answers for SPM 2014 Objective Papers (paper 1).
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Can you please give the answer sheet for paper 1 sains ..thank you
can u share me the answer for bm and bi as well?thx
Sir, can you post the spm 2015 quetion paper
Sir, can you send the answer for add maths paper 1
can you send spm 2014 bahasa cina paper1 and 2
Can some one email me 2014 November SPM Tamil Literature Question Paper. Thank you for your kind help.
I would like to see more past years questions and answers for bible knowledge SPM.
sir, do you have science spm past year paper?
Can u please give science paper 1&2 please
Good afternoon, sir. Thank you for sharing past-year papers that is really, really helpful to students like me. I would like to ask a small favour. Could you please upload the answer sheet for add maths paper 1 and 2? Thank you very much.
why sejarah 2014 paper 1,2 cannot view??
thanks for your updates
The download link to Physics Paper 2 2014 is not working.
Page 5 of the paper is blank.
excuse me,could u reveal the add maths answer for paper 1 and paper 2
Sir, Could u please post the spm add maths 2014 p 1 and 2 ,please.
thank u
Thank you very much sir.