Make Online Banking Completely Safe

Make Your Online Banking Experience Pleasant And Completely Safe!

Online Banking Can Be Completely Safe if You Follow 4 Simple Rules Strictly.

Rule No. 1 : Never respond to any email requesting you to update profile, reset account, verify, re-register your banking account under whatsoever reason. To put it specifically, never click on ANY link inside your email to key in your user ID and password.   To log in to your online account, you key in the URL of the bank manually or from a bookmark that you had previously keyed in manually. (Explained further below)

Rule No. 2 : Never attend to any people, whether he is the high-ranking officer of your bank, chief engineer of their computer system, top police officer, top government officer from commercial crime division or anti corruption department or whatever department or even the President of The Earth, requesting your user ID and Password, by any means, phone, sms, fax etc,  DO NOT reveal your ID and pw. Banks will not do this (requesting) and ethically they cannot.

Rule No. 3 : Never copy or save your user ID and pw without good security means.  Your ID and pw is 100% absolutely, completely and exclusively yours only.  The only copy you have is inside your memory. Of course this third rule is not viable in nowadays’ environment, but I want you to see how I stress the POINT.
There is a turn around for this, and will be explained in “Using professional software to manage securely all of our sensitive e-accounts.”

Rule No. 4 : Perform online transaction using your own computer or your own mobile devices only or a computer used by your family members only. Make sure basic antivirus software was installed. A free version of Avira antivirus will do. Never perform online banking transaction in cybercafe or using public WiFi network. Avoid using secure public network also unless you know what you are doing.

If you can follow the above 4 rules, then your online banking will be completely safe.



Frequently asked questions about online banking.

Using professional software to manage securely all of our sensitive e-accounts. (with free version and paid version)



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