List of All Secondary Schools in Each States in Malaysia

List of All Secondary Schools in Each States in Malaysia, as at 31 January 2020.(Senarai Semua Sekolah Menengah di Semua Negeri di Seluruh Malaysia sehingga 31 Januari 2020)
Here are the list of ALL secondary schools in Malaysia for your reference. The list includes name of school, unique 7 character code, district education office where the school belongs to (ppd), address, poscode, schools’ official email address, whether urban or rural area, telephone/fax, total enrollment, number of teachers, schools’ GPS location etc. Total number of secondary schools is 2439.

List of all secondary schools in Johor  (Total 282)

List of all secondary schools in Kedah  (Total 202)

List of all secondary schools in Kelantan  (Total 177)

List of all secondary schools in Malacca  (Total 77)

List of all secondary schools in N. Sembilan  (Total 125)

List of all secondary schools in Pahang  (Total 198)

List of all secondary schools in Perak  (Total 250)

List of all secondary schools in Perlis  (Total 30)

List of all secondary schools in Pulau Pinang  (Total 128)

List of all secondary schools in Sabah  (Total 222)

List of all secondary schools in Sarawak  (Total 193)

List of all secondary schools in Selangor  (Total 278)

List of all secondary schools in Terengganu  (Total 152)

List of all secondary schools in WP KL  (Total 104)

List of all secondary schools in WP Labuan  (Total 10)

List of all secondary schools in WP Putrajaya  (Total 11)


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Comments: 7

  1. I would like to request the total number of forms 4,5,and 6 students in Penang, Malaysia for the year 2017 as I am doing a research of school effects on secondary education ad ways to forge ahead which I think will be beneficial to the students and the country at large, would appreciate if the data could be sent to my email at

    The source of our lists, as stated at the end of every page, is from We don’t compile those data, please request from MOE.

  2. Hello!
    Why are not the email addresses of each school provided?
    We are in 2106 and not in the 1950-tees of the last century!

  3. Hi do you have enrollment for Smk and Smk school in Penang and Kedah? can I have the PDFs copy. Thank you

    Sorry we don’t. You can search from JPN Perak & kedah website

  4. Can you email me the pdf file of the list of all secondary schools in Selangor, as soon as possible? I really need it for my school project. Hope you can help me. Thank you.

  5. Can I have all the pdf files download links of the list of all secondary schools in each states in Malaysia? I’m now doing an assignment related to this title, but the pdf file in perak state only can be downloaded. Hope can see your reply soon. Thank you.

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