List of All Primary Schools in Each States in Malaysia

List of All Primary Schools in Each States in Malaysia, as at 31 January 2020. (Senarai Semua Sekolah Rendah di Semua Negeri di Seluruh Malaysia sehingga 31 Januari 2020)

Here are the list of ALL primary schools in Malaysia for your reference. The list includes name of school, unique 7 character code, district education office where the school belongs to (ppd), address, poscode, whether urban or rural area, telephone/fax, total enrolment, school email, GPS location etc. Total number of primary schools is 7779.

List of all primary schools in Johor  (Total 907) .

List of all primary schools in Kedah  (Total 548) .

List of all primary schools in Kelantan  (Total 418) .

List of all primary schools in Melaka  (Total 238)

List of all primary schools in Negeri Sembilan  (Total : 351) .

List of all primary schools in Pahang  (Total 543) .

List of all primary schools in Perak  (Total 852) .

List of all primary schools in Perlis  (Total 74) .

List of all primary schools in Pulau Pinang  (Total 271).

List of all primary schools in Sabah  (Total 1074) .

List of all primary schools in Sarawak  (Total 1265) .

List of all primary schools in Selangor  (Total 662)

List of all primary schools in Terengganu  (Total : 352) .


List of all primary schools in WP Kuala Lumpur  (Total 191) .

List of all primary schools in WP Labuan  (Total 17)

List of all primary schools in WP Putrajaya  (Total 16)


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Parents can check their childrens’ school examimation results HERE.


Comments: 7

    • Hi, I want to know the number of people and enrollment for all primary schools in all states for the year 2016. Do you know where can I get the information?

      I have read through:

      However, I have no luck in finding the information that I need. You kind help and reply is greatly appreciated.

      this info was not provided my MOE publicly. We suggest you call Putrajaya to get it.

  1. I want to know what is the procedure to get admission in Malaysian public school from Bangladesh? What will be the cost in Bangladeshi Taka for a Grade -3 Student in a month for a non-residential? What area will be economically reasonable ?

  2. I m doing a research on primary school children in M’sia, may i noe the source of your information?

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