Peperiksaan Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang

12 Sept 2012.
Boys and girls, DO NOT ask us to sent trials/schema to your email. Each day 10,000 students visit this site and we simply can’t do that for you.  Teachers in all schools are very busy marking answer scripts and they will be no uploading of papers for this week.  Remember, you must emphasize more on quality rather than quantity.  Till next and love from all teachers. 

10 Sept 2012.
Remember,  boys and girls, do not just download, you must solve the questions ASAP and get the benefit instantly. Always ask the teacher for even the slightest doubt, adopt a meticulous attitude towards learning, that is the core key to success. Comparing your answers to the schema is far less effective than you hand up your answer scripts to your teacher for advice/marking. Strictly, schema is for teachers only.

Kertas Percubaan PMR 2012 Negeri Pahang

Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang
Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang

Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang
Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 2 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang

Bahasa Cina Kertas 1, 2 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang

Sains Kertas 1, 2 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang
SKEMA Sains Kertas 1,2 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang

Matematik Kertas 1,2 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang
SKEMA Matematik Kertas 1,2 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang

Pendidikan Islam Kertas 1 Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang

Sejarah Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang
SKEMA Sejarah Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang
Geografi Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang dgn jawapan

Kemahiran Hidup KT Percubaan PMR 2012 Pahang dgn jawapan

Kertas Percubaan PMR 2012 Negeri WP Kuala Lumpur

Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 Percubaan PMR 2012 WP Kuala Lumpur
Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 2 Percubaan PMR 2012 WP Kuala Lumpur
Analisa kertas soalan Bahasa Inggeris pelbagai negeri tahun 2012
Link dikongsi oleh mohd asraf




Comments: 35

  1. Boleh e-mail kepada saya kertas soalan sejarah ke? Please kerana saya hari isnin dah peperiksaan percubaan… Okay? Lebih baik hari ini, boleh? Dan jwpnnya sekali..

  2. Please e-mail kepada saya bahasa melayu paper 1 secepat mungkin, boleh? Lebih baik today kerana hari isnin kami dah ada peperiksaan percubaan . Please ye… Tolonglah…

  3. i have the answer scheme for pahang english trial pmr 2012. but i’m not sure how to send it to you so that you can post it here. perhaps you could tell me how to do it.

  4. Please update 2012 PMR Trial Exam Paper for all subject- KL,Sabah,Sarawak ,Selangor and Johor.
    If anyone has them,please e-mail for me,Thanks a lot.

  5. I can’t see any link yet for Sabah dan Wilayah papers. How do I get it ? Is there any other ways for me to see the papers.

    thank you

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