English Prose Writing Competition 2014 – 2015

Dear principals, school teachers and students,
I am pleased to inform you a new international competition named‘English Prose Writing Competition 2014-2015’. This competition is held by Artstation which is a literary organization founded in Hong Kong in 2013. It is to promote English writing, research techniques and self-expression capacity among youngsters through English verbally. Details of the competition are as below. Thanks for your kind attention. Looking forward to receiving your enrollment soon!
Yours sincerely,

Winsome Wong (Miss)  

Voluntary Staff, Artstation (Since 2013)

Topic (Choose ONE from below):

(a) Jeans & Jackets

(b) Development of Industry in Hong Kong from 1960’s to 2000’s


Word Limit: NIL (Note: Your prose writing may be done based upon individual research, interviews, wide reading and personal thinking connected to the topic selected.)

Admission Fee: HK$48.00 each entry (Payable by cheque ONLY.)

Genre: Prose In English Language

Groups:  A)  College / Secondary School   B)  University    C)  Open

Submission: a piece of finished work on A-4 Sized Writing Paper with the individual participant’s name, age, school, e-mail address (or Tel. No.) and correspondence address.

Participations by:

  1. Local English Language Teachers
  2. Native-English-Speaking Teachers
  3. Local College Students (including International Schools)
  4. University Students and Other Adults

Means of Enrollment:

Steps :

(a) e-mail your written work(s) before the deadline of submission 2nd February, 2015. Please be punctual.

(b) Pay your fee of admission (one amount HK$48.00 each entry) to : (pending verification) with the written works.

(c) Send the filled-in Participation Form also.

Prizes & Awards :

Champion (@HK$1,000 Cash Coupon + Certificate)

3 Merit Prizes (@HK$400 cash coupon + Certificate) for each winner.

The winners will be notified by Artstation (Hong Kong) before 1st March, 2015 via e-mail and postal services.


Download Participation Form Here.


Comments: 1

  1. Will all participants be awarded a certificate of participation. Students would be interested in getting certificates for their participations. Thank You Miss Wong..

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