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When you have grown up, you must learn how to make decision. We make lot's of decision and choices every day. from very simple things like what you wear to school, the right uniform and right shoes, whether you need to put on ties today, what exercise books and text books you need to put in your bag to something harder to decide like choosing a club or society for after school activities, who to invite to your birthday party, what gift I should give to mummy and daddy for their birthdays.
Some decision are even harder to make, like should you just stand and watch two pupils quarrel and shout at each other? Should you report to teacher when your good friends are cheating while taking examination? Should you engage in things that might gets you into trouble?
As you grow up, the number of things you need to learn to make decision increase every day. The days that parent helps you to make most of the decision is over.
Tips on making decision.
1. Write down the problems. Brainstorm all the possible solutions. Analyst all the pros and cons of your decision to that matter.
2. Evaluate all the ideas you have list down and learn to weight on the outcome and consequences.
3. Get opinions from friends. Search the internet for similar cases. Who knows a few clicks might clear your clouds.
4. Decide on a final solution. Whatever the outcomes, be bold to hold responsibility for your decision.