Check MUET Result, March, July & November Every Year

MUET's Objective

The MUET syllabus aims to equip students with the appropriate level of proficiency in English so as to enable them to perform effectively in their academic pursuits at tertiary level. From a broad bulbous base, the syllabus is designed to bridge the gap in language needs between secondary and tertiary education by enhancing communicative competency, providing the context for language use that is related to the tertiary experience and developing critical thinking through the competent use of language skills.

Specifically, the syllabus deals with all the four language skills - Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The test instruments are devised to measure the respective skills at a subsidiary level of proficiency, i.e., between the Credit Grade of the O-Levels and the minimum Pass Grade of the A-Levels English.

Paper Code Paper Duration Maximum Marks (Weightage)
800/1 Listening 30 minutes 45 (15%)
800/2 Speaking 30 minutes 45 (15%)
800/3 Reading 90 minutes 120 (40%)
800/4 Writing 90 minutes 90 (30%)


Example of MUET Result

MUET Band Marks

Marks Range for MUET Band 1 - 6

Band 6 : 260 - 300 marks
Band 5 : 220 - 259 marks
Band 4 : 180 - 219 marks
Band 3 : 140 - 179 marks
Band 2 : 101 - 139 marks
Band 1 : Less than 101

Semakan Online Keputusan MUET

Check MUET result by SMS : type MUET<space>RESULT<space>IC No. and sent to 15888.
example : MUET RESULT 010602076135


Keputusan MUET yang dikeluarkan sebelum tahun 2009, tempoh sah lakunya adalah sehingga 18 Julai 2013

Manakala keputusan MUET yang dikeluarkan mulai tahun 2009, tempoh sah lakunya ialah lima tahun mulai tarikh

keputusan ujian dikeluarkan. Maksudnya, keputusan MUET Sesi Nov 2018 sah laku sehingga 05 Disember 2023.

Syarat Baharu MUET Untuk Kemasukan ke Universiti/Pengijazahan

Syarat Masuk IPTA/UA, Peringkat Ijazah (Mulai 1 Jan 2015)
a) Pengajian Sastera dan Sains Sosial – Band 2
b) Pengajian Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM) – Band 3
c) Pengajian Undang-undang dan Perubatan – Band 4

Syarat Pengijazahan (Mulai 1 Jan 2015)
a) Pengajian Sastera dan Sains Sosial – Band 3
b) Pengajian Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan dan Matematik (STEM) – Band 4
c) Pengajian Undang-undang dan Perubatan – Band 5



Semakan Keputusan MUET Sesi Mac, Julai & November


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